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BPS data, please come to the Nganjuk Regency BPS Integrated Services (PST), the
1st Floor of the Nganjuk Regency BPS Office, Jl. Dermojoyo 34A,
Nganjuk every working day starting at 8.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. WIB
To increase insight and knowledge, BPS Nganjuk Regency held a knowledge sharing with the branding "Sale Pisang". Sharing is done every Friday after gymnastics. The presentations were carried out by BPS employees in turns. This week's sharing was presented by BPS Nganjuk Regency Young Expert Statistics, Shidik Purnomo Shidi with the topic "SWOT". SWOT reviews the weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats faced in each activity and how to overcome them.
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Nganjuk(BPS-Statistics Of Nganjuk Regency)Jl. Dermojoyo No. 34A Nganjuk 64418 Telp./Fax: (0358)321583 Email: