Wilangan Subdistrict in Figures 2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Nganjuk Regency

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Wilangan Subdistrict in Figures 2018

Catalog Number : 1102001.3518160
Publication Number : 35180.1819
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : September 26, 2018
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 1.62 MB


Wilangan Sub-district in Figures is an annual publication published periodically by BPS-Statistics of Nganjuk Regency. This publication is intended to provide an overview of the development of Wilangan Sub-district in general covering the geography, governance, population and labor, social, agriculture, industry and trade, communications and communications, finance and prices as well as some supplement data

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Nganjuk(BPS-Statistics Of Nganjuk Regency)Jl. Dermojoyo No. 34A Nganjuk 64418    Telp./Fax: (0358)321583    Email: bps3518@bps.go.id                                                                                                


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