2024 Beautiful Village Development for Gondang and Ngluyu Districts - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Nganjuk Regency

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2024 Beautiful Village Development for Gondang and Ngluyu Districts

2024 Beautiful Village Development for Gondang and Ngluyu Districts

May 15, 2024 | Other Activities

To produce quality data, as a sectoral data supervisor, BPS Nganjuk Regency will develop beautiful villages in 2024. BPS will develop statistical agents from villages/subdistricts who have been appointed by each village/subdistrict to learn basic things about statistics such as how to process data, analyzing data, and disseminating data to the public. The data used adjusts the availability of existing data in the village/subdistrict. Quality data can later be used by the Village/Subdistrict itself as a basis for planning appropriate policy decisions. Therefore, on Monday, May 13 2024, BPS Nganjuk Regency together with the PMD Service and Gondang and Ngluyu Districts carried out socialization on Beautiful Village 2024.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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