Development of District Sectoral Statistics - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Nganjuk Regency

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Development of District Sectoral Statistics

Development of District Sectoral Statistics

March 7, 2024 | Other Activities

In order to realize One Indonesian Data (SDI) at the regional level which has been regulated in Law No.3 of 2020, all Nganjuk Regency Regional Government OPDs must be provided with guidance, including sub-districts. Therefore, on Wednesday, March 6 2024, BPS Nganjuk Regency as SDI Data Supervisor held Sectoral Statistics Development activities for all sub-districts in Nganjuk Regency. During the coaching, the desk filled in recommendations for statistical activities via the application, accompanied by the BPS coaching team. Apart from that, BPS also provides information regarding the types of BPS products and services that can be accessed by data users at the address: Don't forget to fill out the BPS service satisfaction survey. To improve better service, BPS always provides excellent service with service types and products that are up to date and accountable.
For supporting evidence for District Sectoral Statistics Development activities, please access at:
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