Evaluation of Development of Love Village Statistics 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Nganjuk Regency

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Evaluation of Development of Love Village Statistics 2023

Evaluation of Development of Love Village Statistics 2023

November 21, 2023 | Other Activities

Hello Data Friends

As the final stage in developing Beautiful Villages, BPS Nganjuk Regency held an Evaluation Meeting for Sectoral Statistics Development through the 2023 Love Statistics Village Development Program, and the 2024 Program Plan, which took place in the 2nd Floor Meeting Room of BPS Nganjuk Regency, on Tuesday, 21 November 2023.

In this series of activities, the event was opened by the Head of BPS Nganjuk Regency, Mrs. Ir. Student Harini, M.Sc. Where the resource persons were the Head of the Community and Village Empowerment Service, Mr. Puguh Harnoto,, S.SPT, MM and the BPS Intermediate Expert Statist for Nganjuk Regency, Mrs. Mouna Sri Wahyuni, S.Si, M.Si. Also present were representatives from 3 sub-districts, the village head, village head, statistical agent, the Cantik village development team, as well as representatives from Bappeda, the PMD Service and the Nganjuk Regency Communications and Information Service.

This evaluation discusses the output produced by each village where Beautiful Village Development has been carried out in 2023 as well as the plans for developing the Statistical Love Village in Nganjuk Regency in 2024.

We really hope that the data produced from developing the Love Statistics Village can be useful for all data users and let's support it together so that the Beautiful Village Development Program in Nganjuk Regency can be implemented sustainably to produce quality statistical data.


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