FKP Regsosek Facilitator Coordination Meeting 2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Nganjuk Regency

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FKP Regsosek Facilitator Coordination Meeting 2022

FKP Regsosek Facilitator Coordination Meeting 2022

April 18, 2023 | BPS Activities

The 2022 Regsosek FKP Facilitator Coordination Meeting was held by BPS Nganjuk Regency starting April 17-18 2023. The coordination meeting was carried out in each sub-district, where the meeting leader was the Camat and the participants were all village heads/lurah. The meeting also invited the Koramil, Polsek and representatives from agencies/opd who were members of the FKP implementation team. The purpose of the coordination meeting is to provide a general explanation of FKP and the role of the village head/lurah as a facilitator in the FKP Regsosek activities which will be held in May 2023. FKP Regsosek Facilitator Coordination Meeting 2022
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