The 2022 HPG Survey in Demangan Village, Tanjunganom - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Nganjuk Regency

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The 2022 HPG Survey in Demangan Village, Tanjunganom

The 2022 HPG Survey in Demangan Village, Tanjunganom

November 18, 2022 | BPS Activities

BPS Kabupaten Nganjuk collected data on grain prices. This time the survey was conducted in Demangan Village, Tanjunganom. The price survey for grain producers (HPG) in 2022 was carried out in 216 objects spread across the sub-districts of the Nganjuk Regency. This activity is intended to monitor and collect data on grain producer prices and grain quality at the farmer level and at the mill level during 2022. Price information obtained in the field is used as an early warning system in the context of securing the Government Purchase Price ( HPP).
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