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1st Floor of the Nganjuk Regency BPS Office, Jl. Dermojoyo 34A,
Nganjuk every working day starting at 8.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. WIB
On Wednesday, 19 October 2022, all 2022 Regsosek officers held their 1st meeting. This meeting was attended by PPL, PML and Koseka. Meetings were held in each district. In the meeting, the evaluation of Regsosek data collection on problems with VK, maps, K and applications and progress reports of data collection was discussed. In addition, the inspection process for each PML is carried out. This is intended so that officers guide the concepts, definitions and SOPs for data collection.
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Nganjuk(BPS-Statistics Of Nganjuk Regency)Jl. Dermojoyo No. 34A Nganjuk 64418 Telp./Fax: (0358)321583 Email: