Morning Call, Monday 27 June 2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Nganjuk Regency

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Morning Call, Monday 27 June 2022

Morning Call, Monday 27 June 2022

June 27, 2022 | BPS Activities

On Monday, 27 June 2022, Nganjuk Regency BPS employees routinely hold morning apples. The apple was led by the Head of BPS Nganjuk Regency, IR. Satya Hari Soedibjo, MM. In the apple, the message was conveyed as follows: Regulation of the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia Number 38 of 2018 mandates that the measurement of the ASN Professionality Index must be carried out every year. Measurement of Professionalism Index is an instrument used to quantitatively measure the level of professionalism of ASN employees whose results can be used as a basis for assessment and evaluation in efforts to develop ASN professionalism. The measurement of the ASN Professionalism Index is also one of the Intermediate Results of the National RB assessment. In the 2020 BPS ASN Professionalism Index measurement, it only scored 38.68 on a value scale of 0-100. This value is categorized as very low. For the 2021 assessment, through the Principal Secretary's letter Number B-431/2300/KP.300/04/2022 dated 28 April 2022 Regarding the Measurement of the ASN Professionalism Index, all ranks of BPS are requested to update their respective data and we have followed up. For that, thank you for your cooperation. Based on the results of the process that we have carried out so far, the temporary measurement of the BPS ASN Professionalism Index in our opinion is not optimal, it is still in the very low category. The ASN Professionalism Index is measured using 4 (four) aspects, including: a. Qualification; b. Competence; c. Performance; and D. Discipline. The qualification aspect is used to measure data/information regarding the latest formal education qualifications achieved by civil servants from the highest level to the lowest level, including S3, S2, S1/Diploma IV, Diploma I, SLTA equivalent, and education below SLTA education. This Educational Qualification Aspect is calculated at 25% (twenty five percent) of the total measurement. Competency Aspect is used to measure data/information regarding the history of competency development that has been followed by civil servants and has conformity in carrying out the duties of the position. Competency Aspects are calculated at 40% (forty percent) of the entire measurement. The indicators used are the history of competency development, namely Leadership Training; Functional Training; Technical Training; and Seminars/Workshops/Internships/Courses/the like. The availability of supporting evidence of leadership training, functional training, technical training of more than 20 JP will provide significant value. Performance Aspects are used to measure data/information regarding performance appraisals conducted based on performance planning at the individual level and at the unit or organizational level by taking into account the targets, achievements, results, and benefits achieved as well as the behavior of civil servants. Performance Aspect is calculated at 30% (thirty percent) of the entire Measurement. Discipline aspect is measured from the indicator of the history of disciplinary punishment experienced by the employee, whether he has ever been sentenced to disciplinary action or not. Each employee is given a score of 5 (five) if he has not been sentenced to disciplinary action in the last five years. In addition to the mandate, it was also conveyed regarding the timeliness of the preparation of Employee Performance Targets (SKP) at the beginning of each year we need to jointly oversee and carry out activities whose purpose is to increase competence such as trainings, briefings, knowledge sharing, etc. all participants. Then routinely each employee uploads it to Simpeg.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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