Supervision of LF SP2020 Enumeration in Waung Village, Baron - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Nganjuk Regency

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Supervision of LF SP2020 Enumeration in Waung Village, Baron

Supervision of LF SP2020 Enumeration in Waung Village, Baron

June 22, 2022 | BPS Activities

The SP2020 Long Form activity has been running for almost 1.5 months. However, the data collection process is still ongoing until the end of June 2022. In the LF SP2020 complete household data collection activity, it cannot be separated from supervision by both supervisors and supervision. This is intended so that data collection is carried out according to SOPs and the resulting data is of higher quality. Supervision is carried out in all sub-districts in the Nganjuk district, including in Baron District, Waung Village.
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