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IMK 2022 Sample Identification
March 23, 2022 | BPS Activities
The direction of Indonesia's economic development is expected to increase people's income, expand employment opportunities, overcome economic inequality and social inequality. The government continues to make special efforts to prepare for a more resilient and highly competitive domestic economic condition in the face of the era of trade liberalization. One of the government's steps is to make the industrial sector the main driver of national economic development. Processing industries that involve less than 20 workers, in the BPS classification, include the Micro and Small Industry (IMK) scale. In general, IMK businesses have characteristics such as utilizing local natural resources that are abundant and still related to the primary sector (agriculture). The Micro and Small Processing Industry (IMK) itself has an important role in the national economy. Therefore, accurate data and information are needed regarding the development and growth of IMK as an indicator and material for policy makers in the industrial sector through the Quarterly Micro and Small Industry Survey (VIMK). The purpose of this activity is to determine the production growth (development) of the micro and small industrial sector every quarter as a material for planning macroeconomic activities. The direction of Indonesia's economic development is expected to increase people's income, expand employment opportunities, overcome economic inequality, and social inequality. The government continues to make special efforts to prepare for a more resilient and highly competitive domestic economic condition in the face of the era of trade liberalization. One of the government's steps is to make the industrial sector the main driver of national economic development. Processing industries that involve less than 20 workers, in the BPS classification, include the Micro and Small Industry (IMK) scale. In general, IMK businesses have characteristics such as utilizing local natural resources that are abundant and still related to the primary sector (agriculture). The Micro and Small Processing Industry (IMK) itself has an important role in the national economy. Therefore, accurate data and information are needed regarding the development and growth of IMK as an indicator and material for policy makers in the industrial sector through the Quarterly Micro and Small Industry Survey (VIMK). The purpose of this activity is to determine the production growth (development) of the micro and small industrial sector every quarter as a material for planning macro economic activities.
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Nganjuk(BPS-Statistics Of Nganjuk Regency)Jl. Dermojoyo No. 34A Nganjuk 64418 Telp./Fax: (0358)321583 Email: