January 25, 2022 | BPS Activities
Hallo #SobatData
is an important and strategic commodity for the Indonesian people considering
that food, in this case rice, is a basic human need. Therefore, to ensure the
stability of food security, the Government issued PP No. 68 of 2002 concerning
Food Security as an implementing regulation of Law No. 7 of 1996 concerning
The success of implementing food security development is very much determined by good planning. To develop a good plan, accurate and timely data and information are needed as the basis for setting targets and goals to be achieved. ASF is defined as a sampling approach technique that uses land area as an enumeration unit. This system is based on geographic information system (GIS) technology, remote sensing, information technology, and statistics which are currently being implemented in Indonesia for the acquisition of agricultural data and information on food crops. The KSA approach is expected to be able to answer the provision of accurate and timely data and information to support the planning of the National Food Security Program.
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